Vile Creature Vile Creature - When The Path Is Unclear

You are lost
One by one
As you sink
As you suffer
You will know
Just how far
You have left

You are lost
One by one
As you sink
Into lethargy

Giving in
Letting go
When the path is unclear

A lifetime of expectation built on generations of accusation
You'd adopt the attitude of a storm
But the storms want nothing to do with you
You'd do well to take heed of the subtlety of
The winding stream, of the spider of subversion
The champions of your past conquered nothing
And neither will you

You carved your name deep in the earth
Those crevices will echo your shame
Symbols cut clear and bold
Those crevices will echo your shame
No room for ambiguity
Those crevices will echo your shame
In time it will crumble and decay
Those crevices will echo your shame

No longer plagued by the grinding of your spirit
All you have doubted your future clouded
You can not act with conviction when the path is unclear

You'd cast aside and turn away
You'll bare the blight
You'll wear your shame
You'll never hide
We'll carve your name
Sink, suffer, regret, shame